Mid-Century Bar & Cocktail Sets
Choose from our large selection of unique and hard-to-find Mid-Century Vintage cocktail and bar sets from world renowned mid-century glassware manufacturers and designers. A perfect way to start or build your home bar collection for mid-century entertaining.
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- All products
- 22-karat
- abstract
- Amber
- amethyst
- amoeba
- Anchor Hocking
- Angel
- angel decanter
- Angels
- antigua
- appetizer
- art deco
- Atomic
- atomic Burst
- atomic north star
- atomic santa
- Atomic Star
- atomic starburst
- Atomic stars
- atomic sunburst
- Aztec
- Bar & Cocktail Sets
- Bar Sets
- Barbershop
- barbershop quartet
- Bartlett Collins
- barware
- Bell
- bells
- berries
- bird
- birds
- blue diamonds
- boomerang
- bowl
- brocade
- bubble
- bubbles
- butterfly
- caddy
- Candy Cane
- cap
- Cardinal
- celestial
- Cera
- Cera Glass
- Champagne
- champagne glasses
- Charcoal
- Cherries
- Cherub
- christimas
- christmas
- Christmas Cocktail
- christmas ribbons
- Christmas santa
- Christmas Snowman
- christmas Tree
- christmas wreath
- Christmass
- circles
- Coasters
- cocktail
- cocktail decanter
- cocktail glasses
- cocktail pitcher
- Cocktail Recipe
- cocktail shaker
- Coins
- Collins
- Colony
- Complete Selection
- Complete Selecton
- cordials
- Couroc
- Crayola
- crayon
- Crisa
- Cristal d'Arques
- Crossbones
- Crystal
- culver
- Culver Glassware
- daisies
- daisy
- dancing
- dancing pigs
- Dandelion
- dart
- dart board
- Davar
- decanter
- Deco
- decoy
- devon
- diamonds
- disco
- disco ball
- Dominion
- Dominion Glass
- Dorothy Thorpe
- Double old fashion
- dreamsicle
- duck
- ducks
- dyball
- Eagle
- Edgar Watkins
- egyptian
- El Tabique D’Oro
- element
- elf
- Empress
- equestrian
- etched
- Fall
- Feather
- Federal
- Federal Glass
- feet
- Fish
- Fishing
- Fishing Lure
- Flapper
- Fleur De Lis
- Flower
- flower power
- Four Seasons
- France
- fred press
- friends
- frosted
- Frosty The Snowman
- fruit
- futuristic
- Galaxy
- Galaxy Glassware
- Gay Fad
- gazelle
- geometric
- Geometric Starburst
- Georges Briard
- Glenmore
- goblet
- Gold
- Gold Stars
- gold triangle
- Golden Celeste
- Golden Squares
- golf
- Golfing
- Green Aztec Southwestern
- hand painted
- handpainted
- hang ten
- Hazel Atlas
- high ball
- Highball
- highball glasses
- highballs
- Holiday
- holiday angel
- Holiday Glassware
- holly
- hollywood
- Hollywood Regency
- horse
- How You Do It
- humerous
- humor
- Humorous
- Humour
- hunting
- ice
- ice bucket
- Ice container
- ice cream
- ice cream cone
- Ice Your Poison
- Icicle
- Images
- Imperial
- Imperial Glass
- Imperial Glass Company
- Indiana Glass
- J.G. Durand
- J.G. Durand Cristal d'Arques
- Jeanette Glass
- Jeanette Glassware
- Jeannette Glass
- Jeannette Glassware
- jester
- jewel
- Jewels
- jigger
- Jockie
- John Sutton
- karen
- lady bug
- ladybug
- lantern
- leaves
- Libbey
- Libbey Glassware
- Lisbon
- Longchamps
- loon
- Lotus
- M.W. Periscope
- Madalena
- Madalena Atlantis
- Maeve
- Maida Amour
- Maida Armour
- male
- Mallard Duck
- mardi gras
- marine
- marine life
- Marquis
- martini set
- mid century
- Mid-Century Cocktail Glasses
- Mid-Century Glasses
- milk
- milk glass
- Miscellaneous Retro
- mod
- Morgan
- Moroccan
- mosaic
- Name Your Poison
- Nautical
- Ned Harris
- New Just Arrived
- nordic
- North Star
- northstar
- Novelty
- nutcracker
- Old Fashion
- orange
- Otsuka Glass
- Out of this world
- Pac-man
- Paint the town red
- palms
- Paris Green
- partytime
- Pasinski
- Pastel
- Paula
- peacock
- Penthouse
- Peppermint
- Peppermint candy
- petals
- Pheasant
- Pierre Cardin
- Piggy Bank
- Pigs
- Pilsner
- pink
- Pink Leaf
- Pink pig
- pink pigs
- pink triangle
- Pisa
- pitcher
- Polka Dot
- Poodle
- Pop Art
- Porcupine
- port
- Psyche
- puff
- Purple
- Quartet
- quintessential
- rainbow
- Red Cardinal
- Regency
- regiment
- reindeer
- Retro
- retro cocktail
- retro flower
- Retro Solstice
- Retro Sun
- retrosolstice.com
- ribbon
- Ring-A-Ding
- risque
- road sign
- Roly Poly
- rudolph
- Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
- Sail
- Sail Boat
- Salad Bowls
- Santa
- santa claus
- santa clause
- Seasons
- Seneca
- Seneca Glass
- Seneca Glass Company
- Seville
- shaker
- Sherbet
- Shoji
- shot glasses
- silver
- Silver Foliage
- Silver leaf
- sip and strip
- Skier
- Skull
- smile
- smiley
- snake
- snakeskin
- snow
- Snow flakes
- Snowflake
- snowman
- soldier
- Sorrento
- Space
- Spanish Window
- Spanish Windows
- spirograph
- Square
- stained glass
- starburst
- stars
- stemwear
- Strawbridge Clothier
- Sun
- sunburst
- swag
- Tall Collins
- Tastesetter
- Tastesetters
- tear drop
- Textured
- tiffany
- Tiffin Franciscan
- toes
- Totem
- Tuilleries Villandry
- turquoise
- Tyrol
- vanity
- velencia
- Viking
- Vintage
- vintage angel
- Vintage Christmas
- vintage cocktail
- vintage glassware
- Vintage Holiday
- Vintage Home Goods
- Vintage santa
- vintage star
- vintage wine
- vintage wine glasses
- Vitreon Queens Luster
- Waterford
- wedding
- wedding champagne glasses
- wedding glasses
- whiskey
- whiskey glasses
- white
- Wine
- Wine glass
- winter
- wood alcohol